Wiring–Finishing Touches

I spent a few hours cleaning up the new wiring harness. This involved shortening a few wires and installing wiring “loom,” that is covering for bunches of wire. My objective was a neat and tidy electrical system that would look more like a modern car than one from the 1960s.

The pictures above show the new wires in the engine compartment that connect to the horns, headlights, and front turn signals. On the left, the wires are connected but messy. On the right, the wires have been trimmed and then
hidden inside wire loom.

I also cleaned up the fuse and relay block. Braided black loom now coimg_1329vers most wires. I am not completely satisfied with this area because of the exposed wires at the
starter solenoid to the right of the fuses (with red and purple wires visible). The Sunbeam engineers used the solenoid as the main power distribution connection, and it brings together heavy cables from the battery, alternator, fuse block, and starter. I added a 50 amp fuse to protect circuits that connect power directly to the
ignition switch. Had Sunbeam engineers done this from the start, I might have avoided the under dash fire.

The passenger compartment is now starting toimg_1331 look better. The tangle of wires in the left footwell are now bundled together and hidden in black loom or under the carpet. The connections to the dimmer switch are exposed, at least for now. I will reinstall the rest of the carpet and replace the kick panel (to cover the unfinished steel body on the left) soon.